F Why Should I Read? - A.A. Fouch

Why Should I Read?

"Oh, I don't have time to read anymore." 

I can't tell you how many times I've heard that phrase slip out of not only other's mouths, but my own! That's right, even as a writer, I still find it difficult to read.

But we do read! We read every day - Texts, emails, ads, nutrition labels, signs, social media, and a plethora of other platforms. But how much of what we are reading is feeding our soul? Perhaps it isn't that we don't have time to read, but rather that we no longer enjoy it.

For many of us, reading has become a chore. Some find it difficult due to reading disabilities. Others struggle to focus their attention on static text Just the act of scanning our eyes across the page can seem strenuous after being accustom to passive viewing via screens. However, I believe that reading can reset our minds, and strengthen atrophied imaginations.

In our hurry-scurry world, the act of reading is a rebellious meditation. By reading, we can calm our bodies, minds and spirits by allowing ourselves to focus on one task. Training ourselves to focus and slow down can help us in all other areas of life.

Of course, if you are going to bother to take the time to read, you should take time to select the best of books for yourself! I have been blessed to consume a good quantity of old, forgotten literature. Tragedies taught me lessons, poems filled my soul with feeling, and dramas gave me a sense of justice and hope. These are the things I want to pass along to future generations through well-crafted sentences and stories.

Reading good books should elevate the mind above the din of our everyday lives to give us a better perspective on the world. I hope you find books throughout your life that fill your heart with compassion, your head with knowledge, and your hands with skill.

Keep reading!
A.A. Fouch



  1. Oh so true!
    Your words have inspired me to search out those books that will nourish my soul and feed my spirit!
    Thank you for the encouragement to pursue reading as my favourite pastime.
